How to Swap Coins & Tokens on ZIL, GTO, EXCL, KIN, PHX Blockchain

Lately coins and tokens started swapping blockchains, for example, moving out of Ethereum to Binance Chain or own chain. Here is a guide to swap coins and profit of Zilliqua, Gifto, ExclusiveCoin, Red Pulse Phoenix and KIN made by KIK.

What is a Swap of Blockchain ?
Pretty much an act of exchanging one thing for another just like in real life. But on blockchain sometimes numbers change (ie swap is 1:10 or 10:1 of coins) and technology changes below. Currently many tokens move out from Ethereum to own chain, to NEO or for example to BNB aka Binance Chain. In the article we chose many types of swaps between many blockchains to show you best examples and this article may help with ideas about swaps even in future cases.

Precautions Before Trying to do Any Coin Swap
Backup wallet if you have it.
Read instruction many times before trying.
Try with small amount first.
What worked for us or for your friend may not work for you. Things in cryptocurrency change fast.
Some blockchain token swaps are time limited, do not wait too long.

Zilliqua Token Swap
ZIL is moving from Ethereum to their own chain. The swap happends trought exchanges. If you had coins deposited, you are already set. If not and you still have ERC20 tokens there is a way to not only swap but even make money on it. Create account on Coinex Exchange (it still accepts ETH deposits) and make account on Binance. Now, the prices on Coinex are higher than on Binance. So you deposit all ERC20 Zilliqua to Coinex, sell there and buy back on Binance. You are swapped and made profits.

If you are too lazy to trade you can also make account on CoinHako chose to deposit ETH and send there ZIL. They will auto convert.

Gifto Token Swap
GTO moved to chain of Binance from Ethereum. All you need to do is open Binance account, chose to deposit ETH and send Gifto tokens to auto swap blockchain.

Red Pulse Phoenix Token Swap
This coin was first called RPX, changed to PHX and now changes name to PHB along with blockchain – from NEO to BinanceChain. If you have Red Pulse token on NEO blockchain simply go to Binance account, chose to deposit NEO and send those. PHX tokens will be exchanged to PHB on the fly. Remember that our free ebook here on the blogs shows how to grow PHB coins with zero technical knowledge or trading.

KIN ERC20 Token Swap
KIN also moves to own blockchain from Ethereum. To swap make account on Freewallet and send Ethereum there. It will get migrated to new KIN ecosystem blockchain. Worth to mention that Minergate uses this wallet as native. If you want to mine coins with no tech skills anywhere (at school, job etc) then you should register to Minergate and make some free cash extra with no knowledge – they have even web browser miners.

ExclusiveCoin Blockchain Swap
This is actually 5 years old project and has a 3rd swap of blockchains. If you had any EXCL in own wallet then go to exclusivecoin swap portal and send old coins there with giving new address. Rea guide few times before trying as you will need to use coincontrol wallet functions. If you had coins on any exchange – they are already on EXCL 3.0 and you can withdrawal to do proof of stake or make masternode.

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