Get free coins using Telegram – HOT and Notcoin

If you install Telegram app you can make some nice free coins, just like testnets you do on networks.

Install Telegram on your phone

The open network by Telegram. Install from Playshop or Appstore on your phone. Under it, there is TON network with new blockchain. Do this before rest of the tasks here.

NOTCOIN from TON network

Its hard to get into on NOTCOIN online as mostly russian sites show. It is a real meme coin from TON network – Telegram which you get by joining this link.

HOTCOIN from NEAR network

Near is a big thing already trading on Binance and more. Now they made telegram wallet with free coin HOT that you can get. Link below.


There is alot more to do on Telegram but those will give you extra links and guides on so.



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