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Make money with Telegram Apps for Free

Get telegram app installed on Iphone or Android and make free money playing games on it.

First you need to get Telegram App, it needs verification of your phone number. After you install it and verify you can join the games/tasks below to make money pretty much for free. Every link will give you some bonus. Open it on phone with app not the website here.

Those games look silly but they really pay, NOTcoin is not live yet but paid 60USD+ per 10 million coins which pretty much everyone made.

Each needs the invite link, you cannot join them otherwise so we share invite links here. Open on phone with Telegram installed.


This is the biggest, i have told you about it and its ending soon (1st April). Last moments to join and mine it by clicking phone (sounds stupid but works)

Not live but can already be traded on ByBit exchange P2P


Based on NEAR protocol,


Game where you breed cats, coming from Telegram –


Works same as Notcoin but has presale


Kind of copy of HOT,

Arbouz App

Just try it but dont do much, fully in russian


Register to those with telegram, click a bit. Maybe you will get airdrop.



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